High Quality Implant Systems
Are some implant designs better than others?
Yes. There are hundreds of different implant designs, but only one is proven to be best at maintaining healthy crestal bone. The conical connection is proven to be the best design to keep bacteria away from the implant to gum tissue interface. Dr. Cingel uses two implant systems with this design. The Megagen AnyRidge Implant System and the MIS Implant (V3)system.
Why are implant designs that lose bone on the market?
Thankfully, different implant designs work successfully the majority of times. Some designs are better than others, yet unless they are known to have a significant defect, they are all approved for use by the FDA. The implant platforms used by Dr. Cingel are more than a decade in use, proving their longevity and track record.
What is a low quality implant?
Any implant that loses bone is considered low quality. There are also generic implant companies that license design features or get their own engineering firm to create an implant. Literally, a dental supply company started selling its own brand of implants to get in on the dental implant market. Would you want to have a dental implant from a dental supply company? What are you getting with a low cost implant?
You can turn a high quality implant into a low quality implant.
A high quality implant can have low quality components, or generic components put on it. When a dentist takes a digital scan or impression and sends it to the dental lab, they will, by default, use generic components onto the implant. These generic components do not fit with the same integrity as the manufactures components. Sometimes this leads to problems. Manufacturers request that only authentic components are used with their implants. Every single implant case Dr. Cingel uses has its own, carefully selected authentic component. This is an extra cost for us, but it is worth the expense as it reduces future prosthetic failures.